Visual Artist.
Arifwala is my home town. I have always been passionately in love with drawings and paintings. Growing up, I found my self fascinated by all forms of visual art. That’s the main reason I started playing with the camera since I was in 5th class and I joined a drawing studio to improve my skills in 1994. In 1998 my passion took me to National Collage of Arts.
I became a student of fine arts and I chose printmaking as my major. I learned sculpture and graphics too. I considered it my good luck that during my time at NCA Malcolm Hutcheson started pinhole photography workshops there. Experiencing hand made camera fascinated my beyond bounds. It expanded the horizon of my imagination. Then, I started to teach drawing and painting in my studio.
For me it’s always been difficult to describe my self in words .I always try to tell my mood my feelings through visuals. Camera was quite a natural choice for me, I could capture the whole world in my palm..
I have always been inspired by old masters work where they played with light in their paintings. I always considered light as a blessing just like Rembrandt did . and Dali’s work inspired me to adopt surrealism as one of my most favorite form of expression. My work expresses my feelings and my mood which can be a reaction to trivial things that you face in routine life..I love nature ,still life and surreal work .and I create work in all these genres to get satisfaction ,peace and silence.
Dreams and after death is great mystery for me. I always like to think about when your conscience melt into your subconscious just like in dreams we submit ourselves to ourself. I mean that first moment when your mind starts working by itself , at that time you become audience to your own self exactly at the moment when you are not yourself….. my work is that exact moment for me.